Working with Tenants

Throughout 2023, LSNV has worked with 22 households at an affordable multi-family dwelling unit in Northern Virginia. The tenants at this property face significant housing conditions issues, including rodents and pests, lack of air conditioning and heat, water damage and mold. Many of the residents are Limited English Proficient Spanish speakers. LSNV has prevented numerous evictions of tenants who are fighting for their rights to safe and habitable housing, with a high rate of success in court. In addition, LSNV filed counterclaims and affirmative cases on behalf of some clients, asserting tenants’ rights under landlord-tenant and consumer protection laws. One such case resulted in a $10,000 judgment as well as nearly $4,000 in attorney’s fees and order for repairs, after a full trial. Another case concluded with an $18,000 monetary settlement.

Currently, LSNV continues to work with tenants of the property and is regularly present for outreach during weekly food distributions, tenant council meetings, and other community sponsored events.