What To Expect

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What you can expect from the process of getting help from LSNV

LSNV will never charge you for the services we provide. Clients may be responsible for filing fees and other litigation costs.

We have free interpreters for applicants and clients, including sign language interpreters.

Eligible applicants are given an opportunity to consult with an attorney and receive advice about their legal issue.

Locations We Cover

LSNV provides advice and court representation in limited cases in:

City of Alexandria
Arlington County
Fairfax County
Loudoun County
Prince William County

LSNV also provides advice in the Counties of:

Caroline, Culpeper, Essex, Fauquier, King & Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Madison, Northumberland, Orange, Rappahannock, Richmond County, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Westmoreland and City of Fredericksburg

  • LSNV does not provide court representation in these counties; LSNV can make referrals to other Legal Aids who do provide services in those counties.
Qualifying for LSNV Services

LSNV may be able to help you with your civil legal issues or questions if:
1) Your issue falls within the categories of cases we handle
2) You meet our financial and documentation eligibility guidelines for your legal issue
2) Your case is not a Conflict of Interest for us as a law firm
Eligibility for our services is defined by our Federal, State, local and private funders. In order for us to determine whether we can help you, you must be screened for eligibility – we call this an INTAKE.

Intake Process

To determine whether we can help you, we must screen you for eligibility. A member of our intake team will:

  1. gather demographic information, including household size, income and asset information,
  2. conduct a required check for conflicts of interest, and
  3. get a brief description of your problem.

If you qualify financially, we will discuss your legal issues to see if it is the type of legal issue that LSNV can help with.

If you have paperwork that might relate to your case or legal issue, talk to the intake paralegal who processed your application about how you can get your documents to LSNV before your phone call with the attorney.

If we cannot assist, we may be able to provide contact information for other organizations that can help.

If you do not qualify for our services and you believe that decision was wrong, you can access our Grievance Form.

Why LSNV Needs Your Immigration and Financial Information

LSNV receives funding from federal, state, local, and private grants. We ask for documentation to ensure that you qualify for our services. The information is used for eligibility screening only and will be kept confidential.

After You Qualify for LSNV Services

*Full or in-court representation is not guaranteed*

After you qualify for our services, you:

1) will be scheduled for a consultation to speak with an LSNV staff or volunteer attorney.
2) will get a call from an LSNV staff attorney or a pro bono volunteer attorney or law student at your scheduled time.
3) a staff attorney or pro bono volunteer attorney will provide you with advice on your legal issue.
i. LSNV provides advice to the majority of requests for assistance and oftentimes this can fully resolve a legal issue.

LSNV is a nonprofit and does not have the resources to provide court representation to everyone who comes to us for help. If we are able to represent you in court, we will provide you with a representation agreement that explains what representation we will provide


Your communication with an attorney from LSNV is confidential; however, we may need to release certain information to our grant providers. If you have any concerns about what information may be released, discuss this with the attorney assigned to speak with you.

LSNV will keep your file confidential for five years and after that is destroyed. Let us know if you would like a copy of your paperwork.


If you are unhappy with the services you received from LSNV, we have a process to address your concerns.

For application grievances: click here

For client grievances: click here

Equitable and Fair Treatment

We believe our clients deserve respect. As such, we strive to always treat each client equitably and fairly, free from any type of bias during interactions with us on the phone, in person, or in writing. We commit to interacting with all our current and prospective clients in a manner consistent with the spirit and letter of our Values Statement that you can find HERE.